Summer (no-cook) Cabbage Salad


This salad makes a perfect lunch! You could top the salad with some cooked chicken to make it even better.

This recipe is vegetarian and gluten-free.

No-Cook Cabbage Salad
Serves 2

½ head red cabbage, outer leaves pulled off, cut in half, and core cut out before thinly slicing and washing in salad spinner (this should be about 5 cups)
3 tablespoons red onion, thinly sliced and washed in salad spinner (to alleviate overwhelming raw onion flavor)
3 tablespoons capers
1 lemon
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
15 large pieces of Parmesan cheese, sliced with a carrot peeler

  1. Prepare 5 cups of cabbage and 3 tablespoons of red onion as listed above and mix in a large bowl.

  2. Pour in capers and zest lemon peel over ingredients (avoid zesting all the way to the white part, which is bitter!); after you have zested the lemon peel, slice the lemon in half and juice ingredients (catch the seeds with the hand not used to squeeze it).

  3. Mix in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and ½ teaspoon of both salt and pepper. Mix well for at least a minute!

  4. Plate and top with Parmesan, and ENJOY!


Find more great food recipes in my second book, Lark Parties! #livinglark

Summer (no-cook) Cabbage Salad